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  • TS Optics Adapter für Skywatcher-Newton 2″  
  • TS Optics Adapter für Skywatcher-Newton 2″

    • Číslo produktu: TSM54-2
    • Výrobca: TS Optics
    • Váha dodávky: 0.05 kg

    Naša cena: 56.65 €
    1-2 týždne  
    Sledovať dostupnost - TS Optics Adapter für Skywatcher-Newton 2″
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Skywatcher telescopes are recently equipped with good 2″ Crayford focusers, but the eyepiece holder has screws pressing directly onto the eyepiece barrel or camera adapter thus scratching the barrel and/or causing tilting that reduces sharpness. The solution is this adapter which replaces the original adapter from Skywatcher.


Connection (to the telescope) M54,3x1 male (fits directly to the Skywatcher focusers)
Connection ( to eyepiece) 2″ with brass compression ring
Optical length (mm) 12
Ring clamp yes


Type Adaptors

Užívateľská recenzia - TS Optics Adapter für Skywatcher-Newton 2″
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