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  • TS Optics M68 System - Adapter for ASA 3" Correctors to ZEISS Level M68 thread  
  • TS Optics M68 System - Adapter for ASA 3" Correctors to ZEISS Level M68 thread

    • Číslo produktu: ASA3-M68
    • Výrobca: TS Optics

    Naša cena: 120 €
    1-2 týždne  
    Sledovať dostupnost - TS Optics M68 System - Adapter for ASA 3" Correctors to ZEISS Level M68 thread
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Connecting adapter for the Baader / TS M68 ZEISS adaptor system to ASA 3" correctors

ASA offers high-quality 3" correctors for Newtonian and Cassegrain telescopes. This adapter connects these correctors to the M68 adapter system.
For example, you can directly connect the short TS off axis guider with M68 connection. From the M68 thread, there are adapters to almost all reasonable thread sizes and to 2″.
Tilting - against an inclined field
Many astrophotographers know the problem: after focusing as good as possible, sharpness is still unsatifsctory 1 or 2 corners. The result is a rotten compromise by changing the focus until all stars look evenly "sharp" - or simply cutting away that corner(s).
The M68 adapter hass a built-in tilting mechanism:
The best way is calibrating by test exposures. Identify the "bad corner" and start adjusting the adapter with the draw and pressure bolts.
♦ loosen the lock screws (the small headless screws)
♦ adjust the adjusting screws in the orientation where you see the image worsening
♦ make a new test wposure - if the image gets worse, try the opposite direction of rotation, if the image gets better, you are on the right path
♦ when a satisfying result is reached, tighten the lock screws again - finished
Enjoy look forward to sharper images - even in the corners!

Length: 7.2 mm (fine adjustment through draw and pressure bolts)
Connection corrector side: holes fitting to the three female threads of the ASA 3" correctors
Connection camera side: M68x1 male thread - thread length 4 mm
Diameter: 98.6 mm
Obsah balenia:
TS M68 connection adapter for 3" ASA correctors

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