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  • TS Optics Rotation Adapter, Filter Holder and Quick Coupling - M48 to EOS mount  
  • TS Optics Rotation Adapter, Filter Holder and Quick Coupling - M48 to EOS mount

    • Číslo produktu: TSROTM48-EOS
    • Výrobca: TS Optics

    Naša cena: 104 €
    Na sklade v e-shope: 1 ks 
    Posledný kus za túto cenu!


Thread telescope side: M48x0.75 female thread length 3.5 mm
Connection camera side: Canon EOS mount
Filter thread: 2″ filter thread - female thread
Length of the adapter: 20 mm
Diameter of the adapter: 60 mm without knurled screws
Obsah balenia:
Rotation adapter - 3 piece

Užívateľská recenzia - TS Optics Rotation Adapter, Filter Holder and Quick Coupling - M48 to EOS mount
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